

Larry Dunn, Chief Building Engineer with Able Services and MB Real Estate at 1 N. LaSalle Street,被评为2020年度建筑工程师.


我离开家去上大学,很快意识到这并不适合我. I joined Local 399, which sparked an interest in mechanical systems and building operation. 最后,我回到学校,继续平衡工作的同时.

You’re in the process of getting your bachelor’s degree from IIT along with your real estate license. How will this help you in your role as Chief Engineer and further your knowledge about the industry?

目前我还在做这两件事. 就像大楼管理员一样,局长必须身兼数职. 我们是技术人员, 会计, 所有者的代表, 总承包商, 租户联络, 推销员, 租赁助理、员工推荐人. 我从每门课中学到了一些东西. 在学校的技术层面之外, 我开始明白倾听他人的重要性. Whether it’s the teacher or classmates, I can draw from their experience to improve my own.


When people do not attempt to use all the resources available while problem solving. 我总是劝我的人使用制造商的技术支持. There are people sitting at a desk somewhere that get paid to help answer questions about their products. 很多时候,他们可以给你所有你需要的答案.

What are some of the new operational practices you have implemented in response to COVID in preparation for tenants’ return?

只要以身作则,每天都去上班. 向房客证明他们可以回来. Our staff hasn’t missed a day and we’re following all the recommended best practices.

What are some of the innovative ways you’re working with tenants in response to COVID?

我们每周在所有空置的地方进行查房, 其中包括对生活用水系统进行氯测试. In these unoccupied areas we had to find our balance between reduced energy consumption and exercising the HVAC equipment. 这将有助于控制我们的能源账单.

How has COVID impacted your day-to-day work schedule and what are some additional safety measures you and your staff are taking?

我们把工程人员分散在整栋楼里. 我们每个人都有一个单独的工作站/休息区域来练习社交距离. We also received boxes of PPE from ownership and just continue to wear our masks in common areas.

You have been involved in sales pitches to other buildings on behalf of MB Real Estate. What advice would you give to other building engineers if they were going on their first sales pitch with their team?

这次经历无疑把我带出了自己的舒适区, 但让我对自己的能力更有信心. 我真的很喜欢参与这个过程. 整个小组每天开会,练习了三个星期. 我们都投入其中,尽了最大的努力. Of course, not winning the bid was the hardest part, but what a valuable experience. The advice I would give to others is to not allow yourself to make the situation any bigger in your head. 诚实地讲述你的故事,这将反映在你讲述故事的能力上.

What are some trends you’re seeing in the commercial real estate industry that interest you the most?

新冠疫情对商业房地产产生了影响,但我们还不知道影响到什么程度. The immediate impact has required testing chlorine levels throughout the building and calculating the amount of outside air exchanges each air handling unit (AHU) requires. Regardless of future re-occupancy, logging these procedures may be part of our weekly rounds.

What tools and technology do you use the most be more energy efficient in your building?

Our new building automation system (BAS) has given us the ability to dial in our energy usage and control everything from one system. 此外,我们最近与一家能源监测服务公司签订了合同. They provide another set of eyes on our daily consumption with real-time data and emails if their technicians notice anomalies outside of our operating schedule. 知道有人严格地专注于这项任务,实际上是令人放心的.

Tell us about some of the systems in your building that are new or unique and how they help you operate your building.

The equipment we have added over the past few years isn’t unique or cutting edge. 这是经过实践检验的,而且被证明可以降低成本. 新BAS, ahu上的变频器(vfd), 家用水泵系统和冷却塔翻新等等. 我们的一些系统可以追溯到20世纪50年代,所以是时候了.

You’ve been very successful at One North Lasalle in achieving rebates from People’s Gas for over 14 different projects, 从而节省75%的自付费用, along with obtaining rebates from ComEd resulting in 52 percent out of pocket savings.


可持续性 has been a popular buzz word around the industry for the last 10-15 years. In my opinion, it required more of pitch 10 years ago to get owners to buy into large scale projects. 现在, owners are pushing Managers and Engineers to scour their building’s for opportunities to save and improve.

如果大型项目很难承诺, 不要害怕在几年的时间里让他们分手. In our case, this was new controls on 60 AHUs along with VFDs and a new BAS to name a few. Completing these projects in smaller manageable portions may help to gain approval.


我们的两个供暖季节项目对我们的建筑产生了重大影响. 一个是2,500 steam traps tested by a third party vendor then submitted to Peoples’ Gas for a rebate. 在测试这些疏水阀的同时,我们发现了系统中的管道缺陷. 我们根水管, 内部, 大楼一半以上的散热器, which has improved the flow of steam and sped up the condensate return to the boiler. 这些项目, 以及其他暖通空调的改进, 房客对温度的投诉减少了38%.

Can you share advice about how to work effectively with ComEd and People's Gas to obtain energy efficiency rebates?

Both utility companies have websites that are very easy to navigate and they may have additional information about bonus rebates or programs. 我建议你和一个代表谈谈你的具体项目. Some of the technical projects that include controls or BAS will require screenshots and trending so you may want to account for that in your budget.


我的孩子是我的头号爱好. 他们小的时间太长了,所以我想享受每一分钟. 这些年来,我已经成为了一个建造堡垒的专家. Give me some couch cushions, chairs and huge bed sheet and they’ll be occupied for a few hours.

跟我们说说你在圣. 克里斯蒂娜教区. 你是如何参与进来的,影响是什么,为什么它对你很重要?

我的妻子和我喜欢参加和观看所有的运动. 我们的孩子们对这个也很感兴趣. 我妻子为他们和他们的朋友组建了一支篮球队. 我尽我所能帮助她. It’s been fun to watch them strengthen their skills and gain lifelong memories with friends when we travel. The team also played a part in fundraising for the local businesses during COVID. 我们试着让他们保持活跃,并感激生活中所有的祝福.

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